For Compassionate Relief

For Compassionate Relief

Psychotherapy & Buddhism: Towards an Integration

Tzu Chi Center  |  May 20, 2022
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Healing comes in many forms and comes from many places. Dr. Jeffrey B. Rubin has found a way to blend the psychoanalytic tradition of the West with meditative exercises of the East, creating a well-rounded and enriched therapeutic experience.

In this installment of C.A.F.E. 229, we are honored to welcome the esteemed Dr. Rubin, the developer of meditative psychotherapy, which aims to connect practicers to their unconscious, liberate the way they see themselves, and push them towards healthier, kinder behaviors.

Join us as Dr. Rubin shares his spiritual and scientific journey toward the discovery of this ground-breaking practice.

About Dr Jeffrey Rubin

Dr. Jeffrey B. Rubin is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City and Bedford Hills, NY, who has worked with children, adolescents and individual adults for 38 years. He is also an experienced couples therapist with a strong background in both traditional psychotherapy and more contemporary modalities and has worked in non-traditional ways with troubled families, meeting for several hours at a time or extended periods over a weekend, in order to break through difficult and long-standing family dynamics that are causing severe dysfunction and heartbreak.

Dr. Rubin is a graduate of Princeton University, Columbia University and Union Institute. He received psychoanalytic training at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and The Westchester Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He has published six books, numerous articles and has taught at universities, psychoanalytic institutes and meditation and yoga centers including Union Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University, The Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, The C. G. Jung Foundation of New York, The American Institute for Psychoanalysis, Westchester Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, The Harlem Family Institute, New York Insight and Yoga Sutra.

Dr. Rubin is widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on the integration of meditation and psychotherapy. In his ground-breaking and critically acclaimed Psychotherapy & Buddhism: Towards an Integration, Dr. Rubin forged his own unique synthesis of Eastern and Western thought. He illuminated each discipline’s strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which they could enrich each other. In a recently published ebook, Meditative Psychotherapy, Dr. Rubin deepens and broadens his exploration of how a judicious blending of the best of the Eastern meditative and Western psychotherapeutic traditions offers us unmatched tools for living with greater awareness and freedom, wisdom and compassion.

Learn more here.

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