For Compassionate Relief

For Compassionate Relief

|  Events   | C.A.F.E. 229 Webinar Event

Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge

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Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge

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As Thich Nhat Han said, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” Mindfulness has the potential to transform the way we see the world, to infuse each minute with patience and kindness.

In this installment of C.A.F.E. 229, we are honored to welcome Alex Maizuss, a globally-recognized Mindfulness Intervention expert who has taught people from all walks of life. She has studied using mindfulness to combat stress and performance anxiety for dozens of years.

Join us as Alex Maizuss shares her spiritual journey towards a more mindful life and how you might integrate this theory into your own.

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About Alex Maizuss

Alex Maizuss is a globally recognized Mindfulness Intervention Expert who works with individuals and groups in English and Spanish. She is certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge (mPEAK) through the University of San Diego (UCSD).

In 1996, she began practicing meditation and yoga which helped her cope with the daily stress of life and the high demands of working as a software engineer in the aerospace industry.

Her work as a mindfulness performance coach for the entertainment industry has allowed her to witness the impact of performance anxiety and stress. Alex is the first program manager for USC Center for Mindfulness Science and her meditations are currently featured in MindfulUSC and Mindful Magazine. She teaches MBSR and mPEAK at and supports a global community through

To learn more about Alex please click here.

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